How I Can Help You
Hi, I'm Sarah.
I've spent most of my life getting
my hands on everything there is to learn about the body-mind connection. Bringing to my work over 20 years of know-how and heartfelt experience. And I'll share all of it with you.
Learn from me what I know from years of training, certifications and from my private somatic therapy practice.
Working with me, we'll slow things down and tune into the wisdom of the body. To the stories, beliefs and feelings - that can make us feel stuck, unhappy and overwhelmed.
These beliefs inform our posture, our movement and our health. They can shape our outlook on life, and our relationships. They can even run the ways we move - or get stuck and frozen in our lives.
Neuroscience has proven that we can rewire these old painful patterns and stories. And build new states of happiness and wellbeing. We all can move in our lives from unconscious habituation, to conscious choice.
Whatever you're feeling, know that your body holds the answers.
And the good news is, I can help you.
I can help you get to know this long lost body of yours, and all of its intelligence. I can help you plug back into your Soul and what matters most to you in life.
In our sessions together, we will reconnect you with the wonder of your miraculous body and its inner guidance system.
You'll learn to listen to your body's innate wisdom and better understand your wants and needs.
You'll learn with me how to soothe your nervous system and connect to the truth of your authentic self.
Let me help you tune into you, and free yourself from the old stories still weighing you down.
Come in for a somatic therapy session - and learn how your body can help you heal your life.
"Connect to your inner wisdom and become the healer of your own life."

Sarah Baker, BFA, CRS, CST
Certified in Transformative Touch®
Certified Somatic Therapist, Faculty and Mentor
with The Somatic Therapy Center Training Institute
"You are more powerful and
more brilliant than you know."